An incredibly powerful chip. A magical way to use Apple Watch without touching the screen. A display that’s twice as bright. Refer to legal disclaimers Meet Series 9. Now available in carbon-neutral case and band combinations.

Our device full price: $762.14
With incredible coverage and speed, you’ll get the most out of this device with Bell. Learn more about its great features below.
The S9 chip enables a super-bright display and a magical new way to quickly and easily interact with your Apple Watch without touching the screen.
Send a text, take a call, listen to music and podcasts, use Siri and get notifications on the go.
Tougher than tough. It’s crack-resistant, IP6X-certified dust-resistant,1 and swimproof with 50-metre water resistance.2
An incredibly powerful chip. A magical way to use Apple Watch without touching the screen. A display that’s twice as bright. Refer to legal disclaimers Meet Series 9. Now available in carbon-neutral case and band combinations.
The S9 SiP enables incredible speed and brightness.
Double tap. A magical way to use Apple Watch without touching the screen.
Available late 2023
Advanced health sensors provide deep insights into your physical and mental health.
Siri is now faster and more secure. Refer to legal disclaimers
Hey Siri,
start a cycling workout.
With cellular, make calls and receive messages even when you don’t have your iPhone nearby. Refer to legal disclaimers
Tons of ways to stay active with the Workout app.
Get help in an emergency if you fall or get in a car crash. Refer to legal disclaimers
Updated apps with watchOS 10 give you more information at a glance.
The first Apple product with carbon-neutral case and band combinations.
Learn more at apple.com/ca/2030
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Up to 1000 nits
Up to 2000 nits
Up to 3000 nits
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Up to 1000 nits
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Up to 1000 nits
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Not Applicable
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Connect family members who don’t have an iPhone
Connect family members who don’t have an iPhone
Connect family members who don’t have an iPhone
Connect family members who don’t have an iPhone
Connect family members who don’t have an iPhone
Connect family members who don’t have an iPhone
Connect family members who don’t have an iPhone
Connect family members who don’t have an iPhone
Connect family members who don’t have an iPhone
Connect family members who don’t have an iPhone
Not Applicable
Supercharge your Apple Fitness+ experience.
World-class workouts on your iPhone, iPad or Apple TV. Refer to legal disclaimers New workouts added weekly. Work out how and where you want.
Get 3 months of Apple Fitness+ free when you buy an Apple Watch Series 9.
Internet traffic management practices (ITMP) for Bell Mobility. Speed and signal strength may vary due to traffic, topography, environmental conditions and other factors, like Bell’s management of network resources, using methods which include Internet traffic management practices. See bell.ca/ITMP. Network priority. Mobile phone and other non-Mobile Internet device traffic is always prioritized on the network. This may result in slower speeds/delays for Mobile Internet device users when using certain data services during periods of network congestion. Mobile Internet devices are used as a mobile network connection point for other devices and can include the following: Turbo Hubs and Sticks, hotspot devices and other Mobile Internet devices listed on this page. Service is available with compatible devices within Bell Mobility’s network coverage areas.
You can pay with Bell SmartPay or pay full price upfront.
Bell SmartPayTM>
Pay full price up front
Term 2-year Bell SmartPay |
Term No term |
Device payment $0.00 down plus $31.76/mo. |
Device payment $762.14 |
$4.13 | $99.08 |
Minimum monthly rate plan $15.00 /mo. |
Minimum monthly rate plan $15.00 /mo. |
Total minimum monthly charge Based on plan you choose |
Total minimum monthly charge Based on plan you choose |
Applied as a monthly discount on device payment. If you end your Commitment Period early, discount for the remainder of your device payments will be lost; see your Agreement for details.
† Purchase financing provided by Bell Mobility, on approved credit. Cash price is $0.00. $300 down payment, financed at 0% APR equals $31.76 per month for 24 months.+ $4.13 per month in device taxes. Cost of borrowing is $0, for a total of $0.00. If you end your Bell SmartPay Agreement or Service Agreement early, or you change your rate plan to a non-eligible rate plan, your remaining device payments (based on the full monthly amount before discount in the case of any promotions) will become due immediately and you will be subject to an early cancellation fee for your Service Agreement. This amount will be reduced when required by the Wireless Code.
* The one-time Connection Service Fee ($70) is waived. Additional one-time fees are subject to change over time. See bell.ca/onetimefees for details.
Taxes on the financed amount are payable with your monthly device payments. If you place Bell SmartPay orders over the phone, taxes on full price of the device are due at time of purchase.