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Bell Price Guarantee

If you purchased a phone (new activation or upgrade) with Bell SmartPay™ within the last 30 days on, in a Bell store, through authorized retailers or through the Bell call centre and the price drops between December 20, 2024 and January 2, 2025, you may be eligible for a credit for the difference between the price you paid and the current lower price.

To request a credit, simply fill out the form below by January 2, 2025. After we review your submission, we'll send you an email with the next steps and any applicable credit details.

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Eligibility terms and conditions

Any difference between your phone’s original pre-tax purchase price (including all rebates) and Bell’s advertised pre-tax price on the day of your submission (within your province of residence and in the same channel as original purchase) for the same Bell Mobility phone with your selected plan and features will be applied as a bill credit to your Bell Mobility account.

You should expect at least 1–2 billing cycles after the program end date (January 2, 2025) for the account credit to begin. The credit will be applied over 20 months. Credit is not transferable. Limit of one claim per upgrade or new activation. Subject to change without notice; not combinable with other offers. Offer is not available to corporate, Small Business or EPP customers, and Bell employees. Other conditions may apply.

Maximum quantity reached
You’ve reached the maximum quantity allowed for this item. If you still need more, you can place another order after finishing this one, or you can call 1 888 466-2453.